Supporting Seniors Sheltering in Place

Dear J-Sei Supporter,

Thank you so much for all your calls and emails of support during these unpredictable times. We are buoyed by your caring and concern. We are so lucky to be part of a unique community that values our elders and wants to make sure they are as safe and connected as they can be.

I wanted to give a quick update about what we see financially happening in the near future for J-Sei, and for those of you who are able, we would be most grateful for any extra support you could give us right now.

We anticipate losing about $60,000 in revenue over the next 3 months should we continue to be in quarantine. Those losses are a result of cancelling our annual Flavors event, classes and congregate meals. While we will have modest saving as a result of those cancellations, overall we rely so much on those donations to help underwrite all of our programming and operational needs. In addition, we anticipate additional expenses of $7,000 that are related to paying higher than usual costs for hard to find supplies for J-Sei Home (like food, gloves, gowns, masks, cleaning supplies and paper products), J-Sei (food, masks and cleaning supplies) and wanting to create a senior emergency response fund to help pay for grocery and supply deliveries and errands that are needed for home-bound older adults.

Thank you for considering this request – we know there are so many needs right now – but we know that protecting our vulnerable senior population is important to you.

Should you be able to help at this time, you can make a gift on our secure website  And I am more than happy to answer any questions you might have – please feel free to call me at 510-654-4000.

Again, thank you for all that you do for J-Sei. And please stay safe.

Diane Wong

Executive Director