J-Sei has a strong, dedicated and enthusiastic group of over 150 volunteers providing close to 1,700 hours of service each year. J-Sei offers a variety of volunteer opportunities, and we work to match individual interests with the needs of our agency, making every volunteer experience a valuable one.
There is something for everyone!
Senior Center and Lunch Program Volunteers
- Kitchen Volunteers are responsible for setting the tables prior to lunch, serving lunch, packaging home-delivered meals and assisting with clean-up after lunch.
- Kitchen Substitutes are those who can fill-in for the kitchen volunteers on short notice.
- Home-Delivered Meal Drivers are responsible for following a daily route to bring meals to the homes of homebound seniors who are enrolled in our program, delivery drivers use their own vehicles, mileage reimbursement available on request.
- On Call Home-Delivered Meal Drivers are on-call back-up drivers who can be called on short notice to fill in and bring meals to the homes of homebound seniors.
- Class Instructors lead seniors through a planned activity, offering instruction, encouragement, and guidance. We are always looking for engaging and interesting new classes so that the range of offerings will continually evolve. For example, cooking classes and do-it-yourself projects are occasionally held.
- Instructor Aides assist the instructor in leading seniors through a planned activity, offering instruction, encouragement, and guidance.
- Computer Instructor is a position that is not in place yet, but we are looking for volunteers to teach seniors to use the computer either in a class setting or in a computer lab at J-Sei.
- Community Education requires individuals to speak at our lecture series. Presenters can provide a brief lecture on a topic of interest to seniors and can facilitate discussions, questions and answers. This can also include outreach presentations to seniors or community groups. Topics cover issues ranging from health to community services to travel.
Contact Kathleen Wong, Senior Nutrition Manager at (510) 654-4000 x105, kathleen@j-sei.org.
Other Program Volunteers
- Friendly Callers call a homebound senior a couple of times a week to check-in on the senior’s safety and well-being. The schedule for this position is flexible and can be arranged on an individual basis. J-Sei will provide a one-time training session for this volunteer position.
- Friendly Visitors visit a senior’s home once a week to develop and maintain a friendly relationship. The schedule for this position is flexible and can be arranged on an individual basis. J-Sei will provide a one-time training session for this volunteer position.
- Transportation Program Back-up Drivers will be able to fill in on short notice for our staff Transportation driver in the event of illness.
- Outreach Volunteers are comfortable making phone calls to help expand our current programs by calling prospective clients to seek interest.
Contact the main number at (510) 654-4000, sunnie@j-sei.org
Office Volunteers
- Office Work – Assist the office manager or executive director with a variety of administrative tasks including bookkeeping, data entry, and database management, mailings, translating materials, organizing photos and filing as well as other miscellaneous tasks.
- Mailing Help – Help collate, fold, stuff, seal and label mailings for solicitations, fundraisers and correspondence.
- Thank you Note Volunteers help to write thank you notes in a timely fashion during particularly high-volume donation time such as following major fundraisers.
- Newsletter Printing Volunteers are responsible for printing the appropriate number of copies needed for the newsletter at the J-Sei office.
- Newsletter Mailing Volunteers are responsible for collating the newsletter and preparing the newsletter for bulk mailing.
Contact Suzanne at (510) 654-4000 x100, suzanne@j-sei.org.
Fundraising Volunteers
- Fundraiser Planning and Preparation – Become a part of J-Sei’s dedicated committees that plan and organize each event in the months before the event.
- Event Volunteers help on the day of our major events and fundraisers.
- Fundraising Outreach Volunteers help to call perspective donors to follow-up on donation requests for upcoming fundraisers.
Contact Diane at (510) 654-4000 x108, diane@j-sei.org.