J-Sei helps older adults flourish by
J-Sei welcomes you to participate in our community and cultural organization that brings generations and families together to nurture and pass on Nikkei values through a broad array of senior services and cultural programs.
Book Club
New! K-drama fan club & DVD lending
Stop Anti-Asian Racism
Classes & Events
Art, music, film, or food? Check out the wide range of special events and classes offered now.
Enjoy a Japanese meal with us or seniors can have hot lunches delivered to their homes. Find out more about our nutrition and food pantry programs.
Senior Services
A wide range of programs to help older adults remain at home are offered. Discover our case management, caregiver registry and friendly visitor programs.
J-Sei must fundraise over 65% of our budget to provide programs and to support this vibrant community. Learn about different options to give back with a one-time, annual, or planned gift.
New Classes at J-Sei begin in February
As we continue to encourage people to join us at J-Sei, we are excited to offer the following new or renewed classes, beginning in February. Beginning Watercolor Painting Mondays, 10 to 12 --- CLASS IS FULL. Waiting list only. Enjoy the light touch of the brush on...
New Beginning Ukulele Class
Beginning Ukulele Tuesdays, 12:45-1:45 The joy of music is good for the soul. Learn and practice the basics of ukulele, from chords to strumming, and fine-tuning rhythm and voice. We offer this beginning class in 8-week sessions. Susan Sullivan has been teaching...
Long-Overdue Reparations for African Americans
Long-Overdue Reparations for African Americans: Why Japanese Americans and AAPI’s Should Care - Saturday, Feb 10, 2 to 4 pm (Hybrid) Don Tamaki, who served on the 9-member California Reparations Task Force, will make the case that the racial pathology that resulted...
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