Japanese Movie Night – April 2024
J-Sei At The Movies (on Zoom)
Friday, April 12th, 6:30 pm
This month, we’re trying a new approach to movie night. Inspired by some of the responses we received to our year-end poll, we’re extending an open invitation to anyone who would like to select a movie for us to watch and discuss. Our first Guest Programmer is a regular movie night participant, the fabulous Shoshana Arai, who has very thoughtfully selected a film for us all to watch.
Please join us on Friday, April 12, at 6:30pm on Zoom for SHOPLIFTERS (2018) by acclaimed director Koreeda Hirokazu, winner of the Palme D’Or at Cannes as well as numerous other awards. Shoshana and I will be together at her place to introduce the film and co-lead the discussion afterwards. Thanks Shoshana for being the first of hopefully many guest programmers in the Living Room Series (and thanks Jill for coming up with a great series name)!
Please join us with your RSVP to Jill (jill@j-sei.org) with “Apr movie night” in the subject line. And if you’d like to select a film and host our moderator, let us know!
For those who might like to do a little homework in advance of movie night, you can check out other Koreeda films. Several are available to view on Kanopy, as well as other streaming and dvd options, both free and paid. Please let me know if I can help with suggestions or advice on how to locate a particular movie you’d like to see. As Shoshana has astutely identified, a major theme running through Koreeda’s films is about family — the ones we find ourselves in and the ones that we choose. This should make for a great discussion. Thanks everyone!
J-Sei Movie Night Bento – not avail for April
Support J-Sei At the Movies
Thanks to you, J-Sei At the Movies is in its Seventh Year! We look forward to more creative programming with educational and inspiring Japanese and Japanese American films. We are especially grateful for the up close and personal chats with filmmakers as we learn so much from the exchange.
We love having a growing and enthusiastic audience. We welcome any donations to help us offset costs for Movie Night. Thanks for considering this.