J-Sei COVID-19 – Delay of On-Site Class Re-Opening

J-Sei COVID-19 – Delay of On-Site Class Re-Opening

UPDATE 1/24/22:  We will delay re-opening of In-Person classes until March 14, 2022. Stay safe and let us know if we can assist you in any way. We look forward to seeing you.

Due to the highly contagious Omicron variant of COVID-19, J-Sei is delaying the re-opening of In-Person classes until February 1, 2022.  Most of the classes will offer online options. The instructors will provide more information for online options.

J-Sei continues to monitor the information provided by the Center for Disease control for the State of California and the Department of Public Health in Alameda and Contra Costa counties.  And while the news and information is a lot to filter through, we aim to do our best to maintain the safest practices and protocol.

The following recommendations from the City of Berkeley, you may find helpful as we “up the tools” for our safety and precautions.

Please let us know if we can assist you or your family members as we navigate this set back.


RECENT NEWS from the City of Berkeley – January 7, 2022

Know how and when to isolate, test, vaccinate and mask

Berkeley, California (Friday, January 07, 2022) – You may just feel like you have the sniffles or a common cold, but you should treat it as COVID-19: stay home unless you get a negative test, isolate as required locally and notify those you may have seen recently.

For the rest of us, blunting Omicron’s spread and severity requires upping our game with the tools we’re already familiar with. Use boosters to stay up to date with vaccination. Double mask or, better, use an N95 or KN95. Meet outdoors with others and keep indoor spaces well ventilated. Budget your risk knowing that risk is extremely high.

These steps now take on greater importance as the hyper-infectious Omicron variant tears through our community, doubling the cases of even our highest previous spike. While these acts help protect you and those you love, they are particularly important for the vulnerable among us, such as the elderly or immunocompromised. [READ MORE]

J-Sei COVID-19 – Booster Update

J-Sei COVID-19 – Booster Update

Dear J-Sei Community:
Due to the high transmissibility rate of Omicron and the winter surge, we are taking important steps to keep everyone healthy and safe. For the best protection for our community, all individuals on site at J-Sei will need to show proof of their booster to enter the building starting on January 17, 2022.
For those who have had their last COVID-19 vaccine at least 6 months ago, it is recommended that you get a booster.  The following links provide more information on the booster vaccination.
Those with extenuating medical circumstances should let us know so that we can figure out the best course of action should they not be able to receive a booster. Contact Diane Wong at diane@j-sei.org.
We are so sorry that more precautions are needed at this time. We greatly appreciate your cooperation and support as we work, as best we can, to maintain a safe environment for the community.
Diane Wong, MSW
Executive Director
All on-site class participants and active volunteers are asked to register in advance or make an appointment with a staff member to register on-site.
J-Sei Volunteer Registration – https://tinyurl.com/J-Sei-Volunteer-Reg
For those active at J-Sei who are already registered as a volunteer or class participant, the following form can be completed to show proof of booster:
My Senior Center
We are implementing My Senior Center, a new electronic system to monitor the activity at J-Sei, beginning in January 2022. Once you are registered on-site, you will have access to your own account and activity.  This will allow for more efficient in-take in the building with a swipe of the keycard or input of your phone number.  A daily health check concerning COVID-19 can be completed electronically upon entry.  This will also help J-Sei to monitor and track its activity for contact tracing and reporting to funders.  Staff will be available to train you on use of the new system.
J-Sei Protocol Update

J-Sei Protocol Update

Dear J-Sei Community,


In light of the rise in COVID-19 infections and concern for the rapid spread of new variants, we will require all people entering the J-Sei building to be fully vaccinated. Proof of a recent negative test will no longer be accepted for entry.  The policy of being masked and socially distanced while inside the building remains the same.

For Emeryville Building Entry
  • All visitors must show proof of vaccination and sign in with a staff person.
  • Register as a class participant or volunteer ahead of time.
  • Upload or bring proof of full vaccination.
  • Complete J-Sei Waiver & Release of Liability.
  • Respond to daily health symptom check at the door.
  • Wear a mask covering your nose and mouth.
  • Stay at least 6 feet apart from others.

Thank you for understanding and adjusting with us as we try to protect everyone in our community.

Stay safe and take care of each other,

Diane Wong
Executive Director

Message posted August 6, 2021


J-Sei Reopening Protocol

J-Sei Reopening Protocol

J-Sei In Community

We miss you!  After more than a year of sheltering-in-place, J-Sei is in the process of creating phases and protocols for reopening J-Sei operations in Emeryville.  The health and safety of the seniors, volunteers and staff are the top priority and J-Sei will follow the guidance of Alameda County, California, the Center for Disease Control and relevant authorities. This brief description provides an abbreviated outline on how J-Sei plans to ramp up in-person programs and more details will be shared as we move forward.

Governor Gavin Newsom has stated that California will be open on June 15, 2021, however, Alameda County has not entered the least restrictive yellow tier necessary for many activities, so we are awaiting more information before we can proceed.  The public health guidelines are continually changing and we will continue to adjust accordingly.

Given the information we have at this moment, we will ask individuals who come into the J-Sei facility to show proof of full vaccination or a negative COVID test taken within 72 hours. [Note: Change made 8/6/21]

J-Sei Reopens in Phases

As COVID-19 infection rates decline and vaccination rates increase, J-Sei anticipates a three-phase opening that is highly dependent on public health data that dictate progression of our reopening phases.


What We Are Doing Now

  • Home delivered meals and case management services continue its operations.
  • Congregate meal diners receive home delivered meals.
  • All wellness classes, education and cultural events are offered virtually.
  • Friendly Visitor/Caller can continue by phone or computer. If both senior and volunteer are fully vaccinated, in-person indoor visits may resume with mask wearing and social distancing.  If only one party has been fully vaccinated or no individuals vaccinated, in-person visits may resume outdoors with mask wearing and social distancing.
  • Caregiver Registry inquiries are assisted by phone and email.

Phase 1.0

  • Nutrition lunch delivery will expand to Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
  • A limited number of the wellness and cultural education classes will be conducted in-person and/or as a hybrid class (in person & virtual). These first classes to return in-person, will be the smaller classes with attendance less than 10 or 25% room capacity; and classes that benefit from in-person instruction.
  • Caregiver Registry staff will continue to primarily offer assistance by phone and email. However, in-person appointments can be scheduled.

Phase 2.0

  • All wellness classes, education and cultural programs may return on site but with limits on the number of students based on capacity and anticipated in-person attendance. We will make every effort to provide in-person and virtual options.  We hope to make attendance equitably available to all students.  This may require that people alternate between in-person and virtual attendance so that all may have a chance to come in-person on a regular basis.  In this phase, attendance may be limited to 50% of usual operations to allow for adequate social distancing.
  • Class participants will have the opportunity to reserve To-Go lunches.
  • Van Pool service will be available.

Phase 3.0

  • Resume congregate dining at J-Sei.  We will utilize the upstairs Atrium for maximum social distancing.  Again, we want to assure that all interested diners have an opportunity to participate. A sign-up system will be coordinated and initially congregate dining may be limited to 1 day per week.
  • Participation in in-person classes and on-site dining may be set up on a rotational basis in order to provide access and to observe capacity limits for social-distancing.

Preventative Measures When at J-Sei

  • Daily health screenings will be required.
  • Mask wearing will be required at all times in the J-Sei facility.
  • Social distancing will be observed to maintain space of 6 feet or more to others.
  • Doors and windows will be opened to the greatest extent possible to allow natural air circulation.
  • Medical-grade air cleaners/purifiers will be used in the conference rooms to improve air quality and circulation.
  • Hand-sanitizing stations have been installed at entrances and throughout the building.
  • Contactless door opening have been installed on front door and bathrooms.
  • Contactless soap dispensers have been installed in the restrooms
  • Staff will follow new disinfecting and cleaning protocols.

Notification of Exposures

In the potential event that someone tests positive for COVID-19, J-Sei will determine which attendees, staff and volunteers may have been exposed (within six feet for 15 minutes within a 24-hour period).  These individuals will be notified within a 24-hour period of their potential exposure.  Testing options will be provided.  Unvaccinated people may return 14-days after their exposure. Someone who tests positive for COVID-19 may return when at least 24 hours have passed since a fever of 100 degrees or higher without use of fever-reducing medications, COVID-19 symptoms have improved, and at least 10 days have passed since COVID-19 symptoms first appeared.

Return from Travel

An unvaccinated individual should get tested 3-5 days after travel.  The individual should self-quarantine for 7 days, no matter what the test results were.  If someone did not get tested upon travel return, a self-quarantine of 10 days is required.


Please be aware that the City of Emeryville has installed parking meters on streets close to J-Sei so more cars have been parking on our nearby streets.  We encourage volunteers and seniors to car pool, take public transportation or a shared ride service. 

Hearts for Love ORIGAMI Project

Hearts for Love ORIGAMI Project


We joined Jun Hamamoto in a community effort to fold 1,000 Origami hearts. The project is held to align with the initiative by Linda Mihara of Paper Tree SF. The thousand hearts for J-Sei are displayed in solidarity to #StopAsianHate and promote love.

We currently have 1,600 origami hearts. THANK YOU ALL WHO CONTRIBUTED!

Go to the Hearts for Love page to see the ORIGAMI Demo Videos by Jun and start your own folding 1,000 hearts for love.


Navigating the COVID-19 Vaccination

Navigating the COVID-19 Vaccination

Navigating COVID-19 Vaccination

In response to the many questions and concerns expressed by all of you, J-Sei is providing a summary of resources on the COVID-19 vaccination process. This is not all encompassing, but a compilation of resources to help get you started.

Due to the limited amount of COVID-19 vaccine available, the vaccine is being administered in phases. It will take several months before the vaccines are widely available to the general public.

J-Sei has created VACCINE Links & Info to provide offerings that we learn of that are applicable to our constituents.  Please know that the information is posted as we receive it but may be quickly populated. 

Should you need further assistance, please contact J-Sei at (510) 654-4000 and ask to speak to a case manager.

COVID Vaccine by Phases

COVID vaccinations are administered based on the Federal, State and County Health department guidelines. Phases have been determined to prioritize the vaccination roll-out. People will become eligible to get vaccinated based on criteria developed by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). People at high risk of serious illness or at risk of being exposed at work will receive the vaccine first.

Phase 1A – Healthcare workers and long-term care residents

Phase 1B –Tier 1: People 65 years and older, and workers in Education and Childcare, Emergency Services, Food and Agriculture; Tier 2: Employees in Transportation & Logistics; Industrial, commercial, residential and sheltering facilities and services; Critical manufacturing; Congregate settings with outbreak risk (Incarcerated, Homeless)

Phase 1C – People age 50-64, People ages 16-64 with high-risk medical conditions, other essential workers

Phase 2 – All people ages 16 years and older

Alameda County and Contra Costa county are currently implementing Phase 1B Tier 1 as the vaccine is available.  Current supply in the State are limited.

Vaccination by Health Care Provider

Most people will receive vaccination by their health care provider.

Blue Shield

Blue Shield members can visit blueshieldca.com/coronavirus and the Vaccine FAQ’s for the latest info on vaccine priorities.


Kaiser members can visit kp.org/covidvaccine for the latest info on vaccine priorities and how to get a vaccine when you meet your state’s criteria. You can also call our 24/7 recorded message hotline at (855) 550‑0951 for regular updates. Members will receive email updates on the vaccines by registering on kp.org. For more information, visit kp.org/coronavirus.

  • If you’re a health care worker, please complete an e-visit.
  • If you’re age 75 or older, Kaiser will contact you directly as vaccine supply becomes available and will provide you with instructions on how to make an appointment.

John Muir Health

John Muir Health are providing vaccination for people age 75 or older beginning Jan 25, 2021. They are arranging appointments through MyChart messages, email, text messages and phone calls. For more info, https://www.johnmuirhealth.com  or call the COVID-19 hotline for more information at (925) 952-2300.

Stanford Health

Vaccine availability depends on your county of residence, age, and in some cases your occupation. At this time, established primary care patients with Stanford Health Care who meet the following criteria may schedule a vaccination via MyHealth or by calling (650) 498-9000.

Sutter Health

If you have selected Sutter Health as your system of care, the website to the Sutter vaccine appointment system is www.sutterhealth.org/covid-vaccine and the phone number is (844) 987-6115. They are currently taking appointments for healthcare workers and patients over the age of 75.


Veterans need to be enrolled to receive health care at the VA in order to receive the vaccine. The following links provide information:

County Health Care Resources

Alameda County Health

If you are 65 years or older, you are eligible to receive your first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Please contact your healthcare provider (see info above) to see if you can schedule an appointment.

If you do not have insurance and you use email, you can visit: https://covid-19.acgov.org/vaccines

If you do not have an email address, please call your healthcare provider (see info above) or call LIFE ElderCare for assistance at (510) 894-0370.

Contra Costa County Health

If you are 65 years or older, you are eligible to receive your first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Please check with your healthcare provider.

To schedule an appointment through the county health department,

Click here to request an appointment. Click here for a MyChart tip sheet for scheduling an appointment after your request is approved. Eligible residents who have difficulty using the form or have no internet access can request an appointment by calling 1-833-829-2626.

About COVID-19 Vaccine 

(from Contra Costa County Health)

Why Should I Get Vaccinated?

Vaccination is an important tool to help stop the pandemic. It protects you and others by reducing infection and the spread of COVID-19. Together, the vaccine and other public health measures (like wearing a face covering and social distancing) will offer the best protection from COVID-19, reducing further spread so businesses and schools can fully reopen and we can return to a more normal way of life.

​​How Does the Vaccine Work?

The vaccines do not contain live viruses that could cause infection, are rapidly broken down by the human body after injection and do not interact with or affect with a person’s DNA. The vaccines use messenger RNA to teach the body’s own cells to produce antibodies to protect itself from COVID-19. Both vaccines require two doses over a three- to four-week period.

​Is the Vaccine Safe?

Vaccines have a long history of safety and effectiveness. While infrastructure to manufacture COVID-19 vaccines is being scaled up as quickly as possible, routine processes and procedures are in place to ensure the safety of any vaccine that is authorized or approved for use. To date, tens of thousands of people have received these vaccines in carefully documented trials. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has an independent group of experts that reviews all the safety data as it comes in and provides regular safety updates. The State of California is also conducting its own review of the vaccines’ clinical data to ensure they’re safe to use. The CDC, Food and Drug Administration and healthcare providers will continue safety monitoring as more people are vaccinated to learn about any additional vaccine side effects.

Protect Yourself and Others

Even as vaccines become more widely available, it’s critical that you continue to protect yourself and others from COVID-19:

  • Wear a face covering.
  • Keep at least 6 feet apart from others.
  • Wash your hands often.
  • Stay home whenever possible.

​Should you need further assistance, you can contact J-Sei at (510) 654-4000 and ask to speak to a case manager.

Resources: Alameda County Public Health, City of Berkeley Health Department, Contra Costa County Health Department, San Mateo County Health, California For All COVID19