A Bay Area Response to “Shelter in Place”

A Bay Area Response to “Shelter in Place”

March 24, 2020

Dear J-Sei Family:

I truly empathize with the anxiety and uncertainties that we are all facing at this time.  While your daily life has changed and we are separated by space (at least six feet right?) we are definitely still all together!  You are not experiencing this alone as J-Sei will continue to work hard to keep us all connected and supported.

So even if we aren’t meeting at the J-Sei building, we will create alternative ways to share positive news, to engage you and to stay in touch. The past two weeks has found us following constantly changing public health recommendations and making necessary operational adjustments to maintain essential senior services.  Thanks to a most amazing staff and a new volunteer crew, we will:

  • Continue lunch delivery to all J-Sei nutrition clients on MWF.
  • Provide food pantry items to J-Sei nutrition clients.
  • Telephone and support seniors in our Friendly Visitor and Friendly Caller program.
  • Chat and check-in with nutrition clients to reduce social isolation and to provide assistance as needed.
  • Next week, we will expand these telephone chats to individuals who normally take J-Sei classes.
  • Many classes and conversation groups will resume using phone/web-based platforms.
  • New J-Sei On-line Engagements are in development. See details below.

Although our current situation seems dark, I don’t have to look far to witness generosity, kindness and positive action.  When it was announced that individuals over 65 should shelter-in-place, our volunteer nutrition crew was decimated.

How could we ever have dreamed that our new chef, Yuji Ishikata, had a deep contact list of colleagues and friends who would soon fill over 30 volunteer positions in a week?!!  These volunteers have so much upbeat energy, laughter and concern for their elders and they are making such a big difference. People care.


We care and all of us in the J-Sei community are going to pull together to stay in touch and to watch over one another.  Please stay tuned as you will get updates on how to re-engage in classes and conversations as well as learn more about other ways to support seniors.

We, as a staff, are working remotely, remain available by email or phone and will be checking our voicemails.  If you have any questions, needs or concerns please write to us or leave a voice message and we will respond.  You are in our thoughts – be well!

Diane Wong, MSW

Executive Director


Bay Area Counties “Shelter in Place” Extends to Volunteers  (dated March 16, 2020)

We continue to keep informed on the updates and recommendations for COVID-19 to respond quickly and implement the protocols set forth by the county and state health departments. While we primarily serve seniors, we are sensitive to the fact that our volunteer force also consists of seniors.  

With seniors and those with health conditions most at risk and the most recent Bay Area counties health departments mandate for “all residents to shelter in place” to be effective on March 17, 2020, J-Sei will immediately reduce its senior nutrition delivery to the individuals most impacted. We encourage JSei volunteers to stay safe and limit their exposure.  

Below is an excerpt from Alameda County and links that follow with more information. 

The Alameda County Health Officer Dr. Erica Pan joined six other Bay Area public health jurisdictions to issue an order for all Alameda County residents to shelter in place to slow the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and preserve critical health care capacity across the region.

Alameda County joined Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara counties with the City of Berkeley on a legal order directing their respective residents to shelter at home for three weeks beginning March 17.  The order limits activity, travel and business functions to only the most essential needs. The guidance comes after substantial input from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and best practices from other health officials around the world.

Alameda County Public Health Department: http://www.acphd.org/2019-ncov.aspx

Reduced J-Sei Services

To reduce our home delivery to the most essential services, J-Sei staff will deliver frozen meals to our clients who are isolated and do not have family support during this time.  We will be checking in to see if additional support is needed with our clients. Should any of our clients situation change or require additional support, please contact tara@j-sei.org.

Connecting with J-Sei

We are also looking at other ways that J-Sei, as a community of care and culture, can stay connected and support each other during this time.  Any suggestions or ideas of ways to virtually connect, contact jill@j-sei.org


An Important Message Regarding COVID-19 (dated March 9, 2020)

While there are no reported COVID-19 infected individuals at J-Sei, to be proactive for the safety and well being of J-Sei seniors and the community, we will suspend all classes, dine-in meals and gatherings in the Emeryville facility beginning Tuesday, March 10, 2020.

J-Sei programs will be impacted as described below. This suspension will be in place for a minimum of two weeks and the situation will be re-evaluated with updates on March 24, 2020. Please check back here for more information.


  • Classes and Events – Suspend/Postpone
  • On-Site Dining – Suspend.*
  • Transportation – Suspend
  • Facility Usage – Suspend
  • Food Pantry – Suspend
  • Friendly Visitors – Suspend**
  • Home Delivered Lunches – Operate as usual.
  • Case Management – Operate as usual.
  • Caregiver Registry – Operate as usual.

*Pick-up lunches are available upon request.  **FV volunteers are encouraged to contact their seniors by phone twice a week.

J-Sei will continue to take precautions to prevent the spread of virus. Surfaces are sanitized daily, and we are practicing all the safety instructions of the Center for Disease Control.

Should you require assistance or have questions, phone calls will be answered Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. J-Sei apologizes for any potential inconvenience or problems.

We hope all of you stay healthy and well during this disruptive time.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.



Message posted March 2, 2020


A Community Response to the Coronovirus (COVID-19)

We have had internal discussion with the J-Sei board and staff regarding the Coronavirus Disease. We have discussed how we should respond to the growing concerns and how to keep our environment safe for the community we serve. Resourcing the precautions outlined by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Asian Health Services, we have decided to err on the side of caution.

We are asking those who have travelled to Level 2 and Level 3 countries (including Japan), to self quarantine for 3 weeks upon their return.  We are asking all individuals to be self aware of any cold and flu symptoms and the chance of contracting or being a carrier of the virus.

For your reference, the following CDC website link may be helpful:

We have posted the following information and will be sharing it widely with J-Sei participants and visitors.  We will continue to keep informed about the best ways to stay safe as a community.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Diane Wong, Executive Director, at (510) 654-4000 or diane@j-sei.org  Thank you for your support and care.


Dear J-Sei Participants,

We are fortunate to have so many of our seniors, volunteers, and visitors who travel across the globe. In light of the coronavirus and in response to the precautions set forth by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), J-Sei kindly requests the following.

    • If you or someone in your household has travelled to CDC Level 2 and 3 countries China, Iran, Italy, Japan, and South Korea, please self-isolate for at least three weeks after your return. This list of countries will change with CDC determinations.
    • If you feel sick (fever/chills, cough, runny nose, headache, muscle ache), please stay at home and contact your primary care physician.
    • CDC recommends you stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone. Your fever should be gone without need to use a fever-reducing medicine.  We urge caution that people do not return too early in an effort to protect the seniors that we serve.
    • If you will not be coming to J-Sei, please let staff know.

The best action at this time is to practice normal flu prevention steps:

    • Stay away from people who are sick.
    • Do not touch your eyes, nose, mouth or face.
    • Wash your hand frequently for at least 20 seconds with plenty of soap and water.
    • Have your prescriptions filled and keep extra food in your house.

While we are trying to keep abreast of this rapidly developing and fluid global situation, it is each person’s responsibility to protect their own health and that of those who are J-Sei participants.  Thank you for understanding.