J-Sei Request for 135 Masks
COVID-19 continues to spread, primarily expelled through breathing, sneezing, or coughing, spreading water droplets from someone who has the virus. With the shortage of masks for healthcare workers, we are enlisting our creative talent pool to sew 135 masks to help protect our staff and volunteers at J-Sei Home and for the J-Sei Nutrition and Home Delivery.
We are requesting a mask that allows a filter to be slipped inside:
Please use fabric you have on hand. We don’t want you to go out and shop. The masks will be bleached and sanitized for re-use, and the filter material can be replaced. If you have any questions or you are able to help in this way, please contact Tiffany to let her know how many you can make. We are keeping track of who can help in this way as we anticipate the needs.