Oct 21, 7 pm – Cultivating Community: Legacy of Centers in the East Bay
a program in celebration of J-Sei’s 50th Anniversary
Looking back at the evolution of J-Sei in celebrating its 50th anniversary, we recognize the efforts that spanned the East Bay from the spark that was ignited by the East Bay Japanese for Action. Join us to hear from our guests remembering the Berkeley Nikkei Center, Eden Senior Center and Sakura Kai Senior Center that initiated services for Japanese elders.
Tets Maniwa, Berkeley Nikkei Center
Pam Honda, Eden Senior Center
June Sakaguchi and Amy Shinsako – Sakura Kai Senior Center
These programs continue as cornerstones of the community and have evolved to meet the changing needs.
Find out how they evolved, organized, and continued to serve the needs of their constituents. RSVP to jill@j-sei.org with “East Bay Centers” in the subject line.