An ORIGAMI POP-UP with Jun Hamamoto
Thursday, April 8th, 1 – 2:30 pm
Join the Fold-In. There is a crisis today. Many Asians, including our most vulnerable seniors, have become the target of hate crimes. Join J-Sei in folding 1,000 Origami Hearts as a show of support to the families of victims who lost their loved ones.
“Let’s counter HATE with LOVE! I embrace the origami tradition
by folding 1,000 Hearts as a show of LOVE, the human emotion
which can counter HATE and create POSITIVITY.”
– Linda Mihara, Paper Tree SF
Jun Hamamoto will teach the Heart Origami. Join us as we gather together, to chat and fold 1,000 hearts to hang at J-Sei to counter the Anti-Asian hate with LOVE.
RSVP to jill@j-sei for the ZOOM link for the fold-in.