J-Sei at the Movies
Friday, December 13, 2:00 pm (hybrid)
Special Matinee Start Time Plus Potluck!
Celebrate J-Sei Movie Night’s 7th year anniversary with us! Dedicated to the wonderful and fascinating world of Japanese cinema, our movie program offers a fun way to learn about and discuss Japanese history and culture through the lens of international film and commentary.
For our 7th anniversary party, join us for a hybrid program of movie watching, discussion, and fun. You can attend in person at J-Sei (indoors) for a special movie matinee plus potluck, or you can join us remotely via Zoom. We’ll watch an anime Christmas adventure film from 2003, TOKYO GODFATHERS, written and directed by legendary animator Kon Satoshi, about three people on the margins of society who discover an abandoned newborn on Christmas Eve. [In Japanese with English subtitles.]
We’ll watch the movie first at its special start time of 2:00, followed by a group discussion. Then we’ll end the Zoom meeting and begin the party festivities and potluck feasting. Possible games and prizes too!
Hope you can join us on Friday, December 13, at 2:00pm (note the special daytime start time!). Send your RSVP to Jill (jill@j-sei.org) with “Dec movie night” in the subject line and be sure to indicate “in person” or “online” in your response. We’ll send Zoom info and reminders beforehand.
See you at the movies!
J-Sei Movie Night Potluck

- Bring a food or beverage to share – or just bring yourself!
- Potluck theme: It’s A Party! Anything festive to eat or drink is welcome
- We’ll eat following the movie & discussion.
Support J-Sei At the Movies
Thanks to you, J-Sei At the Movies is in its Seventh Year! We look forward to more creative programming with educational and inspiring Japanese and Japanese American films. We are especially grateful for the up close and personal chats with filmmakers as we learn so much from the exchange.
We love having a growing and enthusiastic audience. We welcome any donations to help us offset costs for Movie Night. Thanks for considering this.