followed by Q&A with cast and crew
Thursday March 13, 6:00 pm
Rialto Cinemas Cerrito, 10700 San Pablo Ave, El Cerrito, CA
Tickets: $20
For tickets: https://rialtocinemas.com/coming-soon-cer/
Forced from their homes, farms and businesses, more than 120,000 Japanese Americans were unjustly imprisoned simply because of their race. Our new feature-length film KINTSUKUROI follows the Ito family from pre-war San Francisco to the concentration camps of the American West to the battlefields of Europe as it endures one of the most shameful periods in American History.

Join us for an intergenerational conversation inspired by the film KINTSUKUROI by director Kerwin Berk.
Saturday, March 22
12pm to 3pm
J-Sei, 1285 66th St., Emeryville, CA
Free registration: https://bit.ly/3WE7cVV
Please note that the film will not be shown at the event but all are welcome, whether or not you have seen the film.
Kintsukuroi is the Japanese art practice of piecing together shards of pottery to repair, then using gold leaf to restore beauty and make it whole again. The film touches on the legacy of the Japanese American incarceration, a range of experiences, from loyalty to resistance, despair and loss, and rebuilding of lives. What is your connecting point and how does it impact you today? Connecting Across Generations is an evolving collaboration of individuals and Japanese American community groups interested in broadening cross generational relations.
Connecting Across Generations including J-Sei, Japanese American Women Alumni of UC Berkeley, Japanese American Youth Alliance, Nikkei Student Union of UC Berkeley, Berkeley JACL, Berkeley Buddhist Temple, Okaeri Northern Cal, and Friends of Topaz Museum.