J-Sei Group Tour to Sansei Granddaughters Exhibit at Tanforan
Thursday August 11th, 11 am
Join us for a gallery tour with artist Shari Arai DeBoer. We will arrange to travel by BART or meet at the gallery for a group tour, enjoy lunch and conversation, For reservations, contact jill@j-sei.org with “sansei” in the subject line.
Sansei Granddaughters’ Journey features the work of five noted third generation (sansei) Japanese American artists who have dedicated their wide-ranging art careers to honor the legacy of the incarceration of Japanese Americans during WWII. The participating artists are Shari Arai DeBoer, Ellen Bepp, Reiko Fujii, Kathy Fujii-Oka, and Na Omi Judy Shintani. A new art exhibition called “Sansei Granddaughters’ Journey: From Remembrance to Resistance” is on display from Sunday, July 24 through Saturday, Sept. 3 at the AZ Gallery at the Shops at Tanforan, San Bruno, CA.