Special Exhibit
SECRET HARVESTS linoleum block prints by Patricia Wakida
April 8 – 30, 2023
J-Sei, 1285 66th Street, Emeryville
Gallery hours MTThF 1 to 4 pm, and by appointment. Call (510) 654-4000 or email jill@j-sei.org
In January 2018, writer and organic peach, nectarine, apricot, and raisin farmer David Mas Masumoto approached artist Patricia Wakida about illustrating a deeply personal, family story about an unusual case of family separation and community shame. The manuscript was laden with many dark themes and trauma, in particular mental and physical disabilities and illnesses and the complex emotions of a family coping with these challenges. In time, these led to pencil sketches, sometimes with the aid of historical research or by consulting Mas’s family photographs. There are thirty-four linoleum block prints in the final book, which she hopes, conveys both the tenderness of touch and the resolute strength of a hundred-year-old grapevine, toughened by the seasons.
Artwork on sale.
For more information, visit here.