Aging: Introductory Talk

A discussion time for reflecting on what’s next – all the good stuff.


Wednesday, March 11, 2020  12:30-2 pm — to be rescheduled

J-Sei, 1285 66th Street, Emeryville

This introductory talk “On Aging” is open-to-all.


What is on your bucket list that is still a possibility? 

To read that special book?  To go sky diving?  Or do something in between?

Together, let’s maximize our remaining years by experiencing a connection

within yourself and others, and being open to life’s many possibilities.


Let us be grateful for the life we have and will have

for however long we have it.  How do you want to spend this time?

Together, in a safe supportive space, let us share our dreams

by engaging in a give and take discussion where

we gain insight and inspiration from our peers.


Try this introductory talk on March 11th to find out more,

then join the on-going monthly dialogue on the

third Wednesday from 10 to 11:30 am, starting on April 15th.


 Co-facilitators: Alan Maeda, volunteer and Veta Jacqulin, J-Sei Case Manager

Please rsvp to or call 510-654-4000, ext. 12