SOUL COLLAGE for All – Thursday, May 20, 4 pm – date/time change

As we transition through this past year’s pandemic and all that we carry, art can help us find our way. Explore SOUL COLLAGE, an intuitive process for self discovery. Join us online to create your own collage, discover the wisdom, and share them with each other.

Soul Collage, an expressive arts practice founded by Seena B. Frost in the 1980s, is now practiced worldwide. The method develops creativity and intuition, encourages self-discovery, and provides personal guidance. Participants will receive a 5 x 7 mixed media mat board and sleeve, and a list of suggested materials to collect. The kits are available to pick up at J-Sei.

SoulCollage® has been a wonderful tool to integrate into my practice. I enjoy sharing it and teaching my clients to use this process to gain greater personal insights and discoveries and to enrich their lives. – Bronwyn Shaunessy

Bronwyn Shaunessy, an herbalist, natural remedy practitioner, and Soul Collage facilitator will be joining us from Australia. Cynthia Tom is unable to lead the workshop at this time. Her teacher, Bronwyn will lead the workshop at J-Sei.

RSVP to with Soul Collage in the subject line.